Craig Balt profile image

Craig Balt

SANParks Honorary Rangers

Personal Message:

Our animals are one of the highlights of our country and sadly, we take this beautiful wildlife we have for granted. With people becoming more and more greedy, some animals have simply become a means to an end in the race towards achieving financial success. I am therefore eager to contribute in a small way to the meaningful impact that South African Parks Honorary Rangers has on protecting and looking out for our wildlife. It is their mission to ensure our animals do not become a thing of the past and therefore I would like to do this Comrades as a form of commitment to raising awareness so that my children’s children will get to see and enjoy all the animals that South Africa is home to. Knowing that any amount of money I manage to raise will go directly towards conserving and protecting our animals, is motivation enough for me to go above and beyond for this cause. I am also excited to get behind those who are serving our community and dedicating their time and energy to bring about positive change in our country. It is so needed! I am confident that my determination, coupled with support from family and friends will help me achieve the fundraising goal and make a difference for South African Parks Honorary Rangers. Together, we can do more!

R20 of R6 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

17 Feb 2025



11 Feb 2025

