Nato Amaral profile image

Nato Amaral

Community Chest Durban & Pietermaritzburg

Personal Message:

The Comrades Ambassador for Brazil, Nato Amaral is an enthusiastic Comrades Marathon runner. Having 18 Comrades finishes under his belt, Nato plays an important role as a true ambassador of the Spirit of Comrades. He has been voluntarily working as an officially nominated Comrades Ambassador for Brazil since 2008

R93 633 of R30 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

03 Jun 2024

R60 076.30

Team Brazil t-shirts - net profit.

Nato Amaral

29 Feb 2024

R3 135.19

Donation from Branca Esportes Team, ref. Comrades running vests.

Nato Amaral

18 Jan 2024

R2 255.00

Donation ref. Comrades stickers in Brazil

Nato Amaral

05 Jan 2024

R2 741.00

Donation ref. Comrades stickers in Brazil

Nato Amaral

07 Dec 2023

R25 426.00
