Mokakatla Masekela profile image

Mokakatla Masekela

Community Chest Durban & Pietermaritzburg

Personal Message:

I am Mokakatla Masekela, a passionate advocate for innovative education and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the sector. I believe that without these elements, projects often fail to reach their full potential. Collaborating with teams, including my work with Geekulcha, has exposed me to the challenges we face in education, such as the lack of post or pre-support. I am dedicated to increasing the talent pool and addressing the skillset deficit in our communities. As a lifelong learner, I embrace the Race4Charity fundraising opportunity to enhance my skills, inspire others, and provide relevant experiences for youth but essentially a prospect for me to grow as an operator and advocate. I have initiated two projects, diboxify (retail) and ByAfrica School (education), where guidance, learning-by-doing, and software product development support are crucial. Thank you for considering supporting me.

R0 of R50 000