Marc Bainbridge profile image

Marc Bainbridge

Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC)

Personal Message:

As a die hard CHOC COW my dad Steve loved nothing more than putting on his Cow print and representing the Cows. During his battle against cancer, when participating in the event wasn't always an option, he was never far away from the action giving his full support to the cause and always in awe of the effort and love shown by all CHOC COWS. Unfortunately Steve-O passed away from cancer at the end of 2022, but not before he managed to rope me into running Comrades again in support of his beloved COWS. We never got the chance to run the race together (He completed 7) but this year, along with my merry band of legendairy cows, we will be running in our full cow suits in memory of Steve, my brother Craig and all those we have lost over the years and all the kids we continue to support at CHOC around the country. Please help us give my dad one last fundraiser to be proud of and donate to this cause and help us reach our target of R50000 LOVELIVINGLIFE BELIEVE

R30 500 of R50 000

Donations & Messages
 of Good Luck

06 Apr 2023


An amazing cause run in the memory of some amazing people. Good luck Baindo!
